Friday, November 21, 2008

Some riddles for you to contemplate...

1) All about, but cannot be seen,

-- Can be captured, cannot be held,

-- No throat, but can be heard.

-- What is it?


2) In a marble hall white as milk

-- Lined with skin as soft as silk

-- Within a fountain crystal-clear

-- A golden apple doth appear.

-- No doors there are to this stronghold,

-- Yet thieves break in to steal its gold.

-- What is it?


3) Pronounced as one letter,

-- And written with three,

-- Two letters there are,

-- And two only in me.

-- I'm double, I'm single,

-- I'm black, blue, and gray,

-- I'm read from both ends,

-- And the same either way.

-- What am I?


4) You throw away the outside and cook the inside

-- Then you eat the outside & throw away the inside

-- What did you eat?


5) I fly, yet I have no wings.

-- I cry, yet I have no eyes.

-- Darkness follows me; lower light I never see.

-- What am I?


6) What is red and smells like blue paint?

-- As you can see, I decided to include a number of riddles within one post. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you would like, just include the riddle number by your answers. Thanks and have fun! -- Luke


Aunt Sue said...

Does anyone have all these yet? I'm having a bit o'trouble with riddles 2 and 6! Hmmm . . . still thinkin' . . .

Imprimatur said...

Aunt Sue: You are doing much better than I am! I’m not very good at riddles but am giving these an honest attempt…

Aunt Sue said...

Just guessing here:

could #1 be 'air' or 'wind'?

could #2 be something intangible such as 'time' or 'love'?

could #3 be 'eye'?

could #4 be 'an artichoke'?

could #5 be 'a cloud'

I have no idea for #6!