Friday, November 14, 2008

BOTOX patients on the decline

Medical doctors reported yesterday an over-all average drop in Botox treatments world wide.
"This is surprising," says plastic surgeon/dermatologist Micky Poresy, "because just a few years ago I had a waiting list of women craving the live strains of the botulism bacteria injected directly into their faces to combat wrinkles. Its been quite a shocker for me to find my waiting room half-empty."
"You should see all the Botulism vials I have in backstock!" said another noted New York dermatologist Hinkle Rider
Many doctors think the bad economy is the main factor at play, but further research is being done on why women's interest is waning.


Aunt Sue said...

Eva! Thanks for adding a 'too-fun twist' to name-play with Hinkle Rider - I had to take a second look, but I 'got it'!

Koya Moon said...

all those vials! "foundazzz daughtazzzz" concoction perhaps?? he. he.

Luke Leger said...

What's wrong with a little Botulism every now and then? I mean, if we've learned anything from the Corn Refiners Association, it's that anything can be good for moderation.