I posted this picture on my blog for St. Patrick's Day of an old mill/house in Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Your assignment - if you should accept it - is to write something that includes the mill/house in some manner.
1. Forgot that the mill/house is in Ireland - if you want. It can be anywhere. Tulsa - in the middle of a snowstorm - if you so choose. Or Ireland - if you wanna be stubborn about it.
2. What do I write? Anything. Dialogue. Narrative. Can take place inside the house, in a particular room of the house, outside the house - ANYTHING. No limits - as long as some element of this picture is included.
3. Don't limit yourself to one crack at it. Submit as many as you'd like.
Good one Jeff. By the way, do you have Irish roots?
nice. love that mill! no fair.
i tad Irish (and Scottish), eva.
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