Language has been around for awhile now. I can't be bothered to check, but I know it's at least since the 1920s because that's when the last book I read was written. Anyway, such is the case and as can be expected, words come and go like the standards of the written word.
The job this month is to do your part in saving the words that are on their way out. Head to Save the Words and pick one out that calls to you in one way or another. Take this word, extract inspiration from it, and write something around it - narrative, memoir, haiku, sordid tale, whatever. You might use the word for a title, theme, adjective, it doesn't matter, so long as you use it in some capacity. Just be sure to let us know what word you chose and what it means.
Como fazer um curso PHP completo?
6 years ago
Great topic! This is a cool idea!
Darling, I just stumbled upon your blog and now I don’t want to leave. Your blog is full of interesting posts, I am a proud follower and I am off to read more.
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