Hello. I have come up with February's assignment, it's posted on the right of the screen. (thanks to Luke's new widget)
I've also inserted it below...Take a look, let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
"Of all the numerous occupations of the world...pick one that you know little about. For instance "Psychiatrist". You might know little about the day to day work a psychiatrist does, but since something about that line of work seems intriguing, you could consider choosing it as the focal point of this assignment. Or something that appalls you. For me that would be slaughtering animals for a living. Make your choice...and research the position until you're able to create a series of diary entries as that person. You can write up to 7 diary entries, containing as little or as much info you would like. Maybe as few as 2 sentences will perfectly convey how your day on the job went. Maybe one page better suits your 'experience' on the job that day.
I think it'd be interesting if we all posted our diary entries as the month of February progresses, like we're 'reporting in' as these fictional selves here and there, to share our fictionalized work happenings.
*update: you may also choose to profile a different occupation with each post. It's up to you, just have fun!"
Como fazer um curso PHP completo?
6 years ago
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