Monday, March 23, 2009

Grandmas New Home

When Grandma had to move into an apartment, I was afraid that it wouldn't be fun to visit her anymore. I missed her big house on the lake, with lots of rooms to explore and the park down the street. What would we do in a tiny place with no yard?

Mom drove me to Grandmas, and the building was Ginormous! So tall! Not like a house at all. We had to ride an elevator to the seventh floor where Grandma lives. Mom let me push the number 7 button, and we were on our way.

Grandma was waiting at the door for us and she smooshed me in a big hug. "I love you Boo". That's what she calls me, Boo. "I love you too grandma." Then she told me to go exploring.

There was a big patio door that led to a balcony. Grandma said I could go outside. I could see the whole world from the seventh floor. It was so high up! I was a little bit scared, but mom said it was safe because there was a big fence all around the edges.

Grandma had a box of colored chalk sitting on the table outside. "You can draw anything you want to on the balcony floor, and we will have dinner out here later." grandma said.

Mom kissed me goodbye and told me grandma had another surprise for me. What could be better than living up in the clouds? "Would you like to go swimming Boo?" grandma asked.

Swimming? Where? There was no park nearby with a pool or a lake to play in. Grandma said, "There is a big indoor pool just a short walk across the parking lot, and I know Mom packed your swim suit."

We went swimming in a big pool with a life guard and everything. Grandma said we could even go swimming when it snowed next winter. It was just like being in a fancy hotel. It was so much fun and I made some new friends!

We rode the elevator back up to Grandmas floor and she fixed us dinner on the balcony. She brought out some bubble soap and we blew bubbles into the wind from the balcony. They floated all over the neighborhood. It felt like we were flying with the bubbles high in the air.

Then grandma took me into her big bedroom and pointed to the bottom drawer of her dresser. She said, "Open it up. It's your own special drawer".

Inside the drawer, were some of my old toys and new ones too. There were crayons and paints and building blocks and books. There were little ponies and some dinosaurs. And it was just for me!

When it got late, grandma brought out my favorite movie and we watched it all snuggled up in her big bed. She popped popcorn and we even got to eat it in bed! I spilled it once but she didn't care. She just smacked me with a pillow and we had a pillow fight!

In the morning I woke up early. I wanted to look into my toy drawer again. So I tapped Grandma on the forehead and said, "Wakey Wakey Grandma!". She kinda groaned, but then she giggled and we got up.

She build me a fort out of blankets and chairs in the living room, where I could eat breakfast. She even let me feed her fish. She said I'm big enough!

When it was time to go, I wanted to stay, but Grandma said I could come back anytime. I like grandmas new place. I'm glad she moved.


Eva Marie Sutter said...

I love the imagery of bubbles floating down from the seventh floor! I feel more than anything else in this story a sense of contentment and joy coming from the grandmother. Her new living situation seen through the brilliancy of her granddaughter's eyes is almost secondary. Really good.

Luke Leger said...

Excellent story. You made the unknown of moving and change flow seemlessly into new discovery and excitement.

Aunt Sue said...

Lucky Boo! Lucky You!