Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Moldy Turtle

I had occasion, one winter, to share my brothers' company in my country home. I was married, with three young children. Now you must understand, my brother is a bit, well, eccentric, with a brilliant mind. Song parodies are a special talent that he has. Please realize that I mean no disrespect for the original song, He's Got The Whole World In His Hands...
He taught my children his parody, and one day, while visiting a church, I heard the piano start playing. With a sick feeling, I glanced at my children, and gave them the look, which implied, "do not DARE try it"'s how it goes...

he's got a moldy turtle in his pants
he's got a moldy turtle in his pants
he's got a moldy turtle in his pants
just wait till you see him dance

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