Monday, May 11, 2009

Pharonic Linage

I am Oba Omo. Frail son of King Orsuku, the Scorpion.
My great King has parted and crossed the void.
It is I, in his stead that must proceed forward.

I hold a court full of personal retainers.
All my wishes are tended.
What I inherated is a suffocating burden.
It is a weight of empty wisdom that folds over me.
Father was a powerful King. I am emulating his
stature. I have much to attain regarding my physical
strength alone. If I can stand to the toe of the Gods,
I too will fight the Apis Bull, bare to a loin cloth at the
abbey of Sakkara.

I sleep restlessly, for there is urgency in my charge.
I know I will have little time for love in my reign as King.
My mother was Akiris, courier from the night sky, and
birthed my by the river, amid the reeds. The crickets and
frogs sang a cascade of sound as I arrived in this land.
Naked, from a zodiacal transit. The priests knew.

I am sprung from Sirius. I will offer corridors of
mystic pursuit into the faculties of man. The black land
of Egypt, a way station for galactic influences and culture.
Far am I, in truth, a ruler over this center of power.
There are factions invisible who are as giants.
Take caution here, a begger who's eyes lit with flame
may entice you to fits of ecstasy with one glance.

I have come to teach the Earth children something.
Even I yet do not realize what it will be.
The uncomfortable life I have chosen will
lead me on a endless quest.


Eva Marie Sutter said...

First of all.....WELCOME BACK KHASKOO! Glad to have you back on the DP! Your story: Woah. You've really captured something of the mythic spirit of Egypt!

Koya Moon said...

Daddy! I've missed you. Welcome back father. Love your writing as usual. :0)

khaskoo said...

Thank you my daughters.
You both give me a warm feeling
that I cannot express.
It is good to be back.
Writing is my Tao.

Koya Moon said...

It really moves me. The tale you tell is from somewhere within you that I would love to know more about.

Luke Leger said...

Yes, welcome back khaskoo! I was wondering if this was your work while I was reading it, and I was thrilled to see that indeed it was. Love it!