Thursday, February 11, 2010

I have always been here

In the immense heat of stars
I was formed long ago.

I was carried in the womb of evolution
of the earth
and of the great family of life here.

A billion voices
sang for billions of years
and I was harmonized.

I am a human being.
I am the eyes of the universe opened.
I am the universe conscious of itself.

We have looked deep into the heavens,
deep into our past.
And deep into ourselves
to where resides the most fundamental.

There is a story told there -

You are nothing, if not everything.
And you have always been here.


Eva Marie Sutter said...

Love it!!!! Bravo!

flutterby said...

"I am the eyes of the universe opened" Says it all. Nice job

Koya Moon said...

oooo! i got chills! great one, i love it! it struck a definite chord within.

Luke Leger said...

Wonderful post. said...
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jeff ircink said...

i like.