Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Short Story

Greetings everybody! I was just thinking about this experience I had some time back and I wanted to share it with you. I'm in the mood to write, I guess. This can be my contribution the the Ditalini Press 100 post celebration! Enjoy!

I remember laying in my bed looking out my bedroom window. Watching the big fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky, glistening in the street light. My favorite kind of snow. It was just before midnight and the street and the yard were already covered. I tried to hold back the tears, as I wondered what emotion I was actually experiencing. Was it fear, gratefulness, sadness, excitement?
I did not want the moment to end; the unknown was always my greatest fear. The inevitable changes were already set in motion and I think I saw the passing of the next day as the beginning of the end. It scared me, but I felt was ready.
Still I watched, now sitting up in bed; because I knew if I laid my head down I would go to sleep. I just wanted to savor the moment a little longer. I remember the words "thank you" running through my mind over and over as I watched the snow gently falling to the earth.
It was time to go to sleep, I wanted to stay up longer, but the peacefulness and beauty of the night was gently lulling me to sleep. I rested my head on my pillow and felt a tear roll down my cheek. The dawn will be here soon enough and I will wake up to my last Christmas at home.
I knew this Christmas was going to be very emotional for my mother. It was emotional for me too, but I was young and did not want to show it. She had always tried to make the day so special for my sister and I; and still does. The day flew by and that Christmas is such a blur to me now. But I will always remember that Christmas Eve night; sitting in bed watching the snow.

1 comment:

Koya Moon said...

This is wonderful Luke. Captures that magical mystical feeling of Christmas so well ... Some of my strongest memories are of lying in bed on Christmas Eve, not able to sleep due to this strange melancholy mixed with excitement. A gratefulness that overwhelms you. It's a humbling thing.