Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Ma-donned-a Song!

Any opportunity to make fun of Madonna's music, is heartily embraced by me.
I took "Lucky Star" and wrote "Junkie Car". The back story is that Madonna enjoys the show "Car Talk" on NPR, with Click and Clack...the Tappet Brothers. (I like that show. One of the brothers has a laugh identical to my grandpa's old I always am reminded of him.) Anyhoo ... Madonna calls the brothers for advice ...

If you can't remember the melody of the song...please watch this video first. YouTube didn't allow me to post the original video for the song, so you're left with this version set to photos of the pop diva. It's so brilliantly bad! :)

Can you help me fix my car?
I'm sick of it not getting me far
I just called, because I love your show
Oh baby, please know ...

The headlights, don't shine
so I can't drive at night,
The alignment, is off
I'm drifting left and right ...

Do you hear my desperate call?
I feel I'm backed up, against the wall ...
I'm at my wit's end and I'm losing my hair
What knowledge, will you share??

The A/C, is hot
and I can't turn it off
My side mirrors, are shot
and I get hit a lot ...

I should have bought a foreign make,
That's the last time, I'll make that mistake

Oh, share your heavenly knowledge tonight!
Cool my engine, and clean out my pipes!

Triple A has saved my ass,
but I want to leave that in the past
The muffler's dragging on the road
I can't count the times this thing's been towed

Locate a heavenly body-shop tonight
Help me transform this sorrowful sight!

Oh, can you fix my junkie car?
I'm always impressed with how patient you are ...
I need a list of mechanics you know
please tell me, where do I go?

Will you help me fix my car??
Oh, Click and Clack of NPR ...
*My name is spelled, with an 'O' and two 'N's
Oh, how is this dilemma to end??

*If you've ever listened to "Car Talk" you'll recall that the hosts regularly ask how caller's names are spelled. So that's why I threw that in. OMG. I suddenly feel like Weird Al Yankovic. That is creepy...


Aunt Sue said...

You're a whiz-kid! Love the title 'n' tie-in with Click and Clack and all things automotive!

Jeffrey James Ircink said...

excellent, katja! wow - quick AND clever!