Monday, December 15, 2008

Answers to Riddles

1) All about, but cannot be seen,
-- Can be captured, cannot be held,
-- No throat, but can be heard.
-- What is it?

Answer: The Wind

2) In a marble hall white as milk
-- Lined with skin as soft as silk
-- Within a fountain crystal-clear
-- A golden apple doth appear.
-- No doors there are to this stronghold,
-- Yet thieves break in to steal its gold.
-- What is it?

Answer: An Egg

3) Pronounced as one letter,
-- And written with three,
-- Two letters there are,
-- And two only in me.
-- I'm double, I'm single,
-- I'm black, blue, and gray,
-- I'm read from both ends,
-- And the same either way.
-- What am I?

Answer: An Eye

4) You throw away the outside and cook the inside
-- Then you eat the outside & throw away the inside
-- What did you eat?

Answer: Corn on the cob

5) I fly, yet I have no wings.
-- I cry, yet I have no eyes.
-- Darkness follows me; lower light I never see.
-- What am I?

Answer: A Cloud

6) What is red and smells like blue paint?

Answer: Red paint

I want to congratulate Aunt Sue as she gave the correct answers for 3 of the 6 riddles (#1, #3, and #5). Wonderful job!!

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