Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy December

I hope everyone had a fantastic and meaningful Thanksgiving celebration this year. I thought I'd share with you a quote from author and speaker Seth Godin. I am a subscriber of his emails for marketing and business, and especially enjoyed the last one I read from him.


This has always been my favorite holiday. No gifts, no guilt, no doctrine.

For me, the holiday celebrates people who contribute with no expectation of anything in return. Online, the rules are no different. There are plenty of people typing as fast they can, all in expectation of what they'll get in return for that link or that shoutout or that flame. And then there are the superstars, the folks who have found a great platform for generosity.

Why be generous?

Why go out of your way for someone who can't possibly pay you back?

I hope the answer is obvious. It is to me. The benefit is in the fact that they can't pay you back. The opportunity to instruct or assist when you can gain nothing in return is priceless. It creates meaning and momentum and structure.

If you've been reading my blog this year, thanks for giving me the chance to teach.

If you've been helping at triiibes or Squidoo or on Twitter or on your blog or your social network of choice, and doing it without regard for repayment, thanks. We appreciate it more than you know.

And if you've dedicated your life to helping real people in real need, not just doing it when it's convenient, then you have my deepest thanks. It's not easy and it's not always fun, but it's vitally important and it matters. Thank You.

-Seth Godin

I have also created a new Dit. Press banner, you may have noticed. I wanted something a little bit festive. If you don't think it fits our vibe, please tell me. I'm delirious now from working on it so long. I can't tell anymore :)


Jeffrey James Ircink said...

i love it, katja.

Aunt Sue said...

The banner is beautiful, as are you.

flutterby said...

Love it and thanks for the great quote.