I was called into existence by a dancer’s dream. Do you not run to the window during every windstorm and watch my movements? Yes, I am the one you watch. I provide safe haven for Nature’s creatures at such times, as expected. But I also provide a stable base for you during the inevitable life-storms that blow. At those times, drawing upon my essence of stability, you are helped to express this sometimes misunderstood quality. Do not make the mistake of confusing the weakness of stubbornness with the strength of stability. For you may never be so wrong as when you are so sure you are right.
When a book crossed your desk this month, revealing my name after these long years, that was my doing, my gift to you. Names seem to be important to you, but do you love me more or less now that you know my name, Norway Spruce? My name is ‘your world’ info to be used as a ‘your world’ reference point. At the core of ‘our’ being, yours and mine, we are no names.
And so you sit and look up to me with renewed stirrings of understanding and wonder. I reveal my branches as angel wings - uplifted, feathery - as an expression of gratitude to you for acting as recording messenger. Although my surface message is one of stability, try as one might, none stays in one place ever-long. My core message is simply this: home is of the heart.
I was the first on this property, I will be last.
I'm entranced by this love song to a spruce and to life...
I recognized your dancers spirit right off, Susan and loved the picture which absolutely looks like someone dancing. And yes, I run to the window every time it storms so I can watch the tree limbs move.
I love reading what you write, Aunt Sue. Simply magical!
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