Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Challenge

This assignment kept turning over in me.
Little voices spoke up and said, "pick me."

I guess I don't have any daunting challenges that stand out.
I can recall how I gave myself the resolution at the start of 2008 to
stop complaining and lying. This has turned to become a real challenge.

I intended to tell a wild bike racing story and my heroic efforts in this
physical trial. How I was handed a reversal of the glory I was seeking.
Challenges are as big as we want them to be.

Becoming unconditional love might be a challenge, but then again, this suggests
an opposition of some sort. I have been undergoing some tense and serious family
difficulties lately, but I have learned to realize that there are greater objectives
than what is visible out on the horizon. Being able to relax is a challenge, and a
worthy one. Trusting the divine plan without further apprehension remains
a stinger of a challenge. I occasionally find myself cursing the heavens
in mistrust. Self honesty is another huge challenge I find for myself.

I am facing the challenges I have before me and am not concerned about what
is coming next. Regardless of win or lose, wisdom and experience is gained.



Koya Moon said...

This is really nice dad. Honest, simple. Beautiful.

Eva Marie Sutter said...

Well written. I feel this is coming from a man speaking authentically, from a place of honesty. And I think that's what good writing is all about. Thanks for picking a topic that really got me thinking.

Luke Leger said...

Very honest, indeed. I admire your ability to look inside yourself and not be fearful of what you might find, but to build and gain wisdom from it.

Aunt Sue said...

I can relate to so much of what you've written - 'trusting the divine plan' certainly jumps out as I see so much in myself that would try to take so much or not enough 'control'. Trusting without apprehension is a divine plan! Perhaps then a sought-after balance could be struck without so much striving?

SomeCallMeTim said...

I've found that the smallest challenges that we face everyday can be the most challenging of all. One of my favorite quotes is that of Aristotle:
"I consider him braver who conquers his emotions than he who conquers his enemies, for the greatest victory is over self."