Friday, October 31, 2008

Marble Mind: Synopsis Written for Agent

When I was seven, I wrote this synopsis under my pseudonym A.G. Moore as if I were going to send it out to an agent or something. Ha!

Marble Mind

"This story is about a young girl who has a mom and dad that die from a disease and she has to go to an orphanage and one night she has a dream of her mom and dad playing marbles on a bridge of dust with mist all over, she couldn't move her feet like she was stuck in a mudhole full of snakes pulling her down so hard she kept falling, it was driving her crazy because she kept seeing her mom and dad dancing together in slow motion and she was hearing train's whistles in her ears. She finally woke up and went to the front porch and she went walking. She hated the orphanage, she had to run away fast, so she ran in her long dress. She finally stopped in fear and confusion, she took a breath and rubbed her eyes. She felt something tugging on her dress behind her. She looked back and saw her dad crying, falling deep into the sand, grabbing and pulling him down. She stood in silence as she watched tears fall down his eyes. She didn't know if it was a dream but it was already too late. he was gone, FOREVER.

I recommend me for an author. Thank You
A.G. Moore"

1 comment:

Aunt Sue said...

Age seven, K.Grace?! This has 'screenplay' written all over it!