Monday, June 1, 2015

June Topic: TV Theme Song Revival

"The Brady Bunch", "Happy Days", "Family Ties", "Friends", "Cheers", "Perfect Strangers", "Full House", "Mr. Ed", "Three's Company", "Gilligan's Island", "Beverly Hillbillies", "The Addams Family", "Sesame Street", "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", the list goes on and on.  TV theme songs bring instant nostalgia, can define a show, and make them live in our hearts forever.  The strange thing is, some of them never get old.

Nowadays, we have all but witnessed the death of the TV Theme song since so few current TV shows have memorable themes.  Some have been reduced to a single chord of music, or just a flash of the title on the screen.  It's difficult to define the loss to pop culture when TV stops cramming our heads full of classic songs like the theme to "Three's Company" (Come and knock on our door) or "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" (Yo homes smell ya later). But there is no doubt we have lost something special, something worth holding on to.

Your challenge (if you haven't guessed already):  Write the lyrics to a TV theme song.  Think of what made all your favorite TV theme songs great and channel that into a TV theme song of your own.  This can be for a completely made up TV show, or for an existing show that doesn't have a full-on theme song, think "Seinfeld", "LOST", or "Modern Family".  You can also put words to a show with an instrumental theme song like, "M.A.S.H.", "The X-Files" or "The Simpsons".  Or, you can even write an ode to the TV theme song incorporating some of your favorite lyrics of shows gone by. 

The important thing is, have fun with it!

1 comment:

Koya Moon said...

I looove this! I'll post mine tomorrow, and Jeremy and I actually wrote a theme song as well that we need to record. I'm so excited!! Thank you Luke!