Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Inner Strength

O Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba shook buildings with it.
Inner strength is quiet. It is the slight touch of the infinite which
always exposes the finite. It is patience. The patience which has no
fixation within time. Inner strength is the sound current.
It can overcome all adversity. It is not contingent on any conditions,
but requires practice.


J Power said...

This post filled me with such a sense of quiet and of peace. My distracting surroundings dissolved as if I was projected somewhere, somewhere calm. I thank you.

Koya Moon said...

this is great dad. love that picture too. J Power really summed the feeling up for me...

Eva Marie Sutter said...

AWESOME! I want to live it so much I love it.

Luke Leger said...

Truly inspirational. Thank you.