Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the future empty swing - a homelife poem

Grasping your hand
And the whoop of your dress
Morning sunshine
Glazing the orchid sky

Posturing the stair upward
So you climb
And slide down

Misty words behind and all around

The grateful grass wets our feet
The finish of the woods
Like a hollow planet filled with wild things

You laugh and stick out your tongue
Snow falls in another world

Here we dance and cover our heads
A warrior and wizard
Together and walking this beautiful yard

Who joins us in the evening
Is anyone’s guess

Our land is open to any
And all guests

There are chairs edging the drive
Ten years down the line
Folded and wrapped with rust

But for now we fly our bodies ‘round
This future empty swing


Luke Leger said...


Eva Marie Sutter said...

I like "the grateful grass wets our feet." I felt like the grass of Nonna's backyard was grateful that you, me, Aunt Sue, Uncle Lee, and Aunt Mare strided upon it.
This poem also reminds me that change is the only thing that is constant! Thanks Katie.

Aunt Sue said...

I, too, chose to write about the backyard swing, using the word 'glider' at the last moment before posting, why? Although my swingset swings and glider were of weathered board and located in the back corner of the yard, the connections continue and I smile. This land is open as well . . . come soon . . .