Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chiasmus Corner: George Bernard Shaw

Just found this chiastic quote by George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) on the ecard site quillcards.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

February is Coming!

February is coming and we're going to need a topic. February thoughts:
According to Ovid, Februare is Latin for purification.
The Roman month Februarius is named for the Februa/Februatio purification festival, which occurred on the 15th day of the Roman month.
And what's up with our pronunciation of 'February?'
Anyone have a ready-made topic?

Monday, January 25, 2010

inner strength

examine within.
challenge demeanor innate.
grasp tight the new dawn.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


To get through self-doubting kinds of struggles, I've found two techniques that help.
I'll tell how I recently put them to use when I took a job teaching English to French professionals. The idea of it scared the crap out of me.
So knowing I'd be the leader of an unknown group, with unknown levels, and unknown goals, I kept myself together using Wayne Dyer's phrase, "I want to feel good." I love this phrase. Anytime I had one tinge of nervous stomach, it was nullified when I said it. And also with meditation. Daily, I softly chant a mantra and visually create a self who gets answers to all of her questions and cares. And the answers come, too. This time in the form of a sunny card from a friend that read, "He gives us richly all things to enjoy. Timothy 6:17." Just when I thought I couldn't muster the strength to tell adults to 'not be late again' and doubting my answers to another grammar question 'but there are exceptions,' I got this note that helped trigger real enjoyment of it all.
Even a colleague, a woman who has taught for over twenty years, asked me how I could possibly remain so calm? I told her it was because I did yoga. It was a half truth. Although I do yoga, I think it was these two techniques that helped the most. All that remained to do really was just show up, and enjoy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Inner Strength

O Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba shook buildings with it.
Inner strength is quiet. It is the slight touch of the infinite which
always exposes the finite. It is patience. The patience which has no
fixation within time. Inner strength is the sound current.
It can overcome all adversity. It is not contingent on any conditions,
but requires practice.

Monday, January 18, 2010


i feel the impact of my
eye injury in many ways
sadness, anger, bitterness
my self-confidence is not
what it once was
it's affected my acting
it's affected aspects
of my personal relationships

if i glance at my
favorite portrait of
myself as a child, i think
'where has that little boy
with the beautiful brown
eyes disappeared to?'
i wish he was here but
he's gone forever

i am loved
by many and yet
my injury won't go away
as an actor in an
industry where image
is god i feel i am at a loss
i wonder what strangers think?
'do they think i'm ugly?'
but i'm the same person
inside as i was before
how soon the strangers forget

i am surviving but
i'm forever haunted.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

To Sing Again

The sense of time is not fixed.
I have experienced days of such delight
that I have to suppress a tantrum
when those days are at an end.
I want to shake my fist at the sun, shouting,
"I know what you did.
I know you rushed your setting.
You and the moon both are impatient."
And the moon responds,
"Shut up and go to bed."

And then there is the way time can pass
where the night and its promise of sleep
seems to evade you
where even after a perilous journey to reach the end,
the end seems to go over the curve
and away from you.

Time can crawl
as it came to for a young man, a boy
whose days had once been swift
for they were full of joy,
whose open mind had made him
diverse and beautiful and full of song.
He was a seeker of the profound, of experience.
He even sought it in a fruit he knew to be false,
one that is an ancient poison of this planet,
and one that he sought it in so often
that he came to value nothing else.
So began his pain
and the slowing of the hands.

All his efforts
and all his thoughts
were now focused on survival
of a most insidious kind.
Like so much of the green life
that lifts only for the sun,
he now too served only one master.
And what a monster his master was.

He came to know excruciating eternities
within his days.
He came to feel so old inside.
So old he was nearly convinced
that he must have been there at the beginning
and since witnessed the entire unfolding of things.
And his loneliness was one of ages.

It stripped him of so much.
So much that he had become a stranger
to this world and to himself.
So much that even when he finally decided
that he had been enslaved long enough
and had parted ways with his master,
he still felt so lost.

Even on the road that led away from it,
the road that surely was the right one,
he was still filled with agonizing uncertainty.
Doubt was like an ice
that lived in his stomach
and made its presence known
in his neck
and in his hands and feet.

He was ashamed.
And there formed a great and terrible army
of all his weaknesses
and they marched on his heart.
More were brought into the fold everyday.
None could withstand the intimidating numbers
and the drumming that drowned out
all sense and reason.

When they finally reached the walls
of the last refuge of what once was,
the commander of this rabbling darkness,
a man in which they all coalesced,
a man whose iniquitous tongue
was curled around all their thoughts,
came forth and spat and barked hatred at the door
while the crowd cheered with unspeakable nastiness.
And then he finally broke it down.

There was naught inside
but a small child.
The man knowing no limits to his cruelty
raised his hand to strike
and at that moment the child looked up at him
and began to sing,

"I wish I could be your hero,
save the day,
fight that no tomorrows
will ever harm you."

The man stood there
baffled by such a defense.
But he stood listening.

He recognized the song.
It was one he had sung long ago.
He began to recall a memory
where he was in a flower garden
and he was bending down
to smell the red and yellow tulips
for they were his favorite.
And he was singing.
He loved to sing.
At night he would lie in bed and sing
until he fell asleep.

Now he recognized the child.
The child was that boy smelling the tulips.
The child was himself.

Feelings now welled up inside him,
feelings that he could not suppress,
that he could not control.
And he wept.
He was broken
but in the most beautiful way.

He no longer heard the mob outside.
They were gone.
All the angry voices had left.
And now he too began to sing.

They both sang so loud
so that their song might be heard
by the boy whose heart they stood inside.

And he did hear it.
And it saved him.
For it was the song
that was the deepest
and most sacred thing about him.
It could not be diminished
and it could not be conquered.

He has since entered the world again
and has made connections with people.
He sings for them
and for himself.

Perhaps long ago there was a mind,
a consciousness that stared into the void
and saw and heard a silence there.
And no longer willing to accept such a thing
opened its mouth
and sang the universe into being.

And the song flared forth
creating a rich vastness
where it continues to resonate
at the smallest and largest of levels.
It echoes in beings that sing their own song.
In the birds and in the bullfrog,
in the hyena,
in whale song
and in the wolf.
In the throat singers.
The yodelers.
The ones who hollered in the fields.
And in the boy
who stared into the void himself
and just before the song
would have been hushed forever
began to sing again.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Staying/ A Short Story

It's midnight and she sits alone in the nursery. The child within her rests high, pressing against her lungs and making breathing difficult. The oak rocker allows her to lean back and expand her lungs more easily. She gazes at the crib and imagines it one month from now filled with precious life. She has spent months sanding the crib and repainting it until it shines like new, perfectly restored with the love she has poured into it. Everything is ready. Everything is perfect, or nearly everything. The fully loaded twelve gauge shotgun lays across her thighs just beneath her swollen stomach. She rocks slowly, cradling the unborn child and the weapon.

He'd missed dinner again and he hadn't called. She'd waited, knowing it was payday and that the chances of his getting home on time were slim. He would cash his check at the bar, lose track of time, and stumble home sometime after dark. But it was midnight and she also knew that he'd left the bar at ten, because she had called. He was with someone again. She could even guess who it was. At the company picnic just the week before, she had seen the glances , heard the whispers, of the people around her. She'd noticed a young red head stealing glances at her husband. She knew, he was with her now. He'd come home smelling of whiskey and perfume.

Not this time, she thinks. Not ever again. She'd kill him first. She rocks slowly and stares at the empty crib and then down at the shotgun. She caresses the cold steel, allowing her anger to build. She will finish this once and for all.

Suddenly her body spasms and her eyes fly open. She has fallen asleep and been jerked awake by that feeling of falling that she experienced more and more frequently as her muscles strained under the added weight of the baby. The clock glows 3:30. He isn't coming home this time. Her body is stiff and aching as she rises from the chair. The fight has been wrung from her. The anger replaced with despair and fatigue.

She unloads the shotgun, and locks it back in the gun case. Standing in the doorway of the nursery, she takes in what once seemed to be a promise of happiness and new life, and allows the tears to fall. She turns then and begins to put a new plan into action. Pulling a suitcase from the closet, she fills it with whatever she needs to begin the journey to a new life for herself and her baby. When she is finished she lays down on the bed, fully clothed, and allows sleep to overtake her once again.

Just before dawn, he slips into bed beside her. The stink of whiskey and sex awakens her. Swallowing the bile that rises in her throat, she waits until his breathing becomes more regular and he falls into a deep drunken slumber. Rising quickly and quietly she, pulls the packed suitcase from its hiding place beneath the bed and heads confidently out the back door to the car, shutting out the pain and disappointment which has been her life with him.

She runs to the car, but before she can open the trunk, she stops and stares in disbelief . The suitcase falls from her hand and she drops to her knees. The car. What has he done to the car? The side is scratched and caved in from the door to the rear bumper. The back tire is flat. He has run it off the side of the road in a drunken stupor and made her escape impossible. No. He could not do this. She would not let him. Not this time.

Running back to the bedroom she begins to shake him awake, screaming hysterically. "Get up! Get up you bastard. You mother fucking bastard! You get up and fix that flat tire. Do it now! Right fucking now!"

Her screams penetrate his drunkenness. He senses the insanity within the words, feels the spit hit his face and manages to sit up in the bed. This time he's gone too far. He's pushed her over an edge he had not known was there. Fending off her frantic blows, he rises slowly from the bed.

"Get your ass out there now" She screams. He struggles to his feet and heads obediently outside to the car while she trails him cursing and screaming. Without a word, he fixes the flat and puts her suitcase in the trunk. He doesn't want to lose her. Doesn't want to lose the baby he's fathered. But he knows nothing he says now can stop her . He watches her climb into the drivers seat and slam the door. As she peels out of the drive in reverse, he simply turns and walks silently back into the house. This cannot be undone.

She is alone now behind the wheel of a car going ....where? Does it matter? So long as it is away from him and the betrayal and cruelty which has been her life until this moment. But where? Her mother would never take her in. How far will a high school education take her and her child? Where will her baby lay its head every night? Certainly not in the crib which she has prepared. Who will care for her child while she works every day? Even though he is cruel and does not come home at night to her, does it matter? She has a child to raise now. Someone to love and nurture. Who can do this better than her, and how can she do it without him?

She slows the car to a stop, taking a tissue from the glove box to wipe her tears. She takes a deep breath, turns the car around, and heads back toward the house. Back to him, to security. How important can love be when one has a baby to care for? She will make this work, somehow.

He hears the car in the drive. Listens for the door and her footsteps in the hall. Through the haze of alcohol, he smiles. She will stay. For now, she will stay.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Inner Strength

I'm posting this month's topic on behalf of SEK8. The first topic of 2010!

Life's unexpected twists and turns! Do you have the inner strength to deal with them? Relate something that has happened to you and tell how you dealt with it or write a fiction piece using the topic of inner strength.