Friday, July 10, 2009

Dear DP

Dear DP
I'm 59 years old and have been coloring my hair for the past 15 years. I know I'm not alone when I say how much I hate the tedious, messy job of dying roots every four weeks. But how does one go grey? My boyfriend says I should just let it happen and he's cool with it. It's me that's not quite comfortable. Why do I care? I don't know. I was thinking of just getting a hair dresser to do one quick painless dye job to match my roots. Kinda like yanking the band aid off a wound. I'm afraid the shock might kill me though. What do you suggest? What if my friends or my kids go "Oh My God" ?
Secretly Grey


Aunt Sue said...

Dear Secretly Grey,

It doesn't have to be all or nothing! Just ease into it! Consider choosing a color one or two shades lighter than you are currently using next time you 'paint' your hair.

If you try this suggestion, let us know the reactions you get!


Eva Marie Sutter said...

Dear Secretly Grey,
I once knew a 66 year old who wanted to go white but wasn't sure how to transition into it. She feared the 'shock' that you speak of. Here was her solution: She grabbed her best friend with good fashion sense by the arm and dragged him to a downtown wig shop. She tried on white wigs and let him assess her. You might try the same. Its not even necessary to bring along a friend, you can look into a mirror as a silver-haired goddess and see for yourself if its a good move. The friend, by the way, who accompanied the elder lady to the wig shop, was blunt and told her the white hair aged her considerably and asked her, 'Why? Why do you want to go white?' But he couldn't have understood what a royal pain it is to dye one's roots with regularity.
What you might hope for, Secretly Grey, is meeting a wonderful hair stylist whose company you enjoy so much that you will absolutely want to pop in to see him/her every four weeks. It will feel like a chat with relaxing cranial touching that actually doubles as a dye job. You know, a stylist that loves your company so much that he/she gives you 50% off coupons and uses plant based colors and who finally in the end finds the supplement that stops gray hairs from coming in at all and whispers the panacea in your ear during your last dye job together and you skip away freely, the wind tossing your locks.
Just remember, whether gray or not, it's just a detail. Real beauty is confidence and kindness emanating from you after you truly acknowledge that your body and its hair are beautiful gifts from nature.

Luke Leger said...

Secretly Grey,
It's interesting that you ask about one going grey because I had a co-worker who just went grey after years of dying her hair jet-black. It was a Monday when I came into work and saw that she had a completely new hair style. Her hair was much shorter, curled had a lot of grey in it. She looked great, but it was quite a transition. As it turned out, she was wearing a wig and her real hair was about a quarter-inch long. She continued wearing wigs until her hair grew long enough to her liking and then got rid of the wigs, altogether. She now has her natural hair color, grey and all, and transition went quite smoothly, at least here at work.