Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Thoth had spake that all truth was in reality a half-truth.
I can fathom that reason also abides toward the same parameter.
In the relativity of existence, the way of finding absolute measure is not possible.
Einstein's general relativity theory.

If reason is generalized, then it is within the context of a given space within time.
Reason is a taught reflex. The inner core of idealism is reason itself.
It is both linear and frozen in dimensional space.

Thomas Aquinas, in his quest for mapping a perfected universe adopted reason.
This was the death of God itself, for it was but a quest for a mental construct of
the reason for God's behavior in the material realm.

Spiral is a derivative of the word Spirit. There is nothing predominantly lineal within
the natural worlds. Reason is angular and it does conflict with natures process.
Reason has driven vast agendas of the high priests who imbibe this mental
spew and bribe all they can with the grandeur of the proposal.

In closing, reason is rife with conflict. It is separated from love by an almost
impassible gulf. It is wholly left brained in nature and has been a contributor
toward holding open the seeping wound of duality.

Reason itself is helpful in managing the priority of living outside of its context and
influence. Reason. to me, is a mechanical programming apparatus.

I am in reality, myself, of no mean importance. There is no reason behind, or before me.
The moment I establish reason in my cyclic existence, I enter a conflicting hell.
Dreams are ignored because they are counter to reason.
The psyche is counter to this construct.

I have seen reason in my life experience, but only as if viewing from the rear of a
caboose as the country side recedes away. It creates more anticipation because
reason or rationale can have no lasting effect.

I take a harsh view of reason.
There is not anything infinite about it.
A few mathematicians have driven themselves insane by attempting to
apply reason toward the apprehension of infinity equations.

In all of creation, God, being outside of time or space, is also beyond reason.
The joy of existence and love knows no reason.
The politic of reason is dead.
Light is freedom.



Luke Leger said...

Tremendous. You have stirred up lots of new thoughts and ideas for me to ponder. Thank you.

Koya Moon said...

Thank you dadda...always goodness seeping from those wise utterances and contortions of the commonplace. your words...playing on the page like mad little pipers...marching their way to some unknown cavern in an unforgiving and Truthful universe.