Monday, September 22, 2008

unfamiliar face

where did it all go wrong?
hushed like early sunday morning.
what do you have to say?
what do you have to change?

i can’t breathe.
i can’t sing.
the birds look down and laugh at me.
i can’t evade this twinge.

when will it fade to memory?
when will you become an unfamiliar face?
should i try to forget your name?
will these thoughts and words last for all time?

what do i tell them?
what will they say?
my world collapsed on that cold autumn morning.
home is a long way away.

in the end i’ll leave it all behind.
none of this is going my way.
will i find the life i need find?
it's possibly all in my mind.

i’ll say i’m being tested.
i won’t be dealt more than i can handle.
everything happens for a reason.
it’s all part of a bigger plan.

i won’t blink.
dusk will turn into day.
i will not lose myself in sorrow.
i will not lose myself in memory.

tomorrow is another day.
i’ll try to forget.
but i have to believe.
everything happens for a reason.


Eva Marie Sutter said...

Dear Luke,
this is beautiful! How many times have I thought in my own life, "I won't be dealt more than I can handle. Everything happens for a reason. It's all part of a bigger plan." Thanks. Love it. Although I'm still perplexed as to who this "you" is?

Aunt Sue said...

Luke, my heart recognizes the emotional agony expressed here - so much to ponder of pain and purpose . . . the questions posed and the affirmations stated speak of the need of compassion for all, for who knows what another has been through?

Koya Moon said...

Wow...I've just read everyone's post top to bottom and I've got tears running down my face. Did you know it was going to be this intense? Thank you for "unfamiliar face" Luke.