Soon enough a wave of emotion came over him and he felt silly. He hastily closed the laptop and shuffled back into the living room and collapsed into his recliner. Time had a way of making him feel insignificant and he allowed fear and doubt to maintain a stronghold on his mind. He didn't really know who he was anymore; he knew that his best days were behind him, yet he remained hopeful for the future.
Just then there was a knock on his door and he found a sweet young lady on the other side reminding him that it was time to eat. Her appearance reminded him of his daughter or maybe even his wife, though he couldn't remember the last time he saw either one of them. There was a distance in her eyes and he suddenly realized she was not who he thought she was. Maybe she was his sister, did he have a sister? It didn't matter, he was feeling frustrated but he figured he could just sort it all out later.
He went back to grab his laptop thinking maybe he could work on his new story at the dinner table, but it was no longer there. Perplexed, he fell back in his chair and suddenly felt the sensation of being pushed. Before he knew it he was in the school cafeteria. Lunch was being served and he found himself sitting with a bunch of guys from his high school swim team. Chicken and noodles were on the menu today. His favorite. The story could wait. He had a lot of catching up to do.
Como fazer um curso PHP completo?
6 years ago
1 comment:
It makes me tingly with \gooseflesh. The chance to examine time and its effect on the human emotion.
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