Tuesday, June 1, 2010

X hates “reality television”.

There is no such thing as "reality television" - which boggles X's mind that he can hate a few choice words or phrase that theoretically don't exist. As soon as the dumb asses who choose to air their private lives for the world to see know there's a lens focused on them AND as long as there are producers, writers and directors who are manipulating the dumb asses' "reality", it's no longer "real".

In X's world, this list is no longer. And, according to X, the world grows smarter.


Koya Moon said...


Jeffrey James Ircink said...

thanks, katie. i wasn't sure if i understood the May premise, so....you good?

Koya Moon said...

i think you did well with it. i'm pretty good. how are you? wait...are we conducting a chat in the comment section of dit press???!! what would email think of this!!!

Eva Marie Sutter said...

good one, Jeff!
Katie, I love this banner......!!!!!!!!!!!! Photoshop works again!!!