Friday, April 23, 2010

The Key

I'm cold in winter,
I'm heavy in your pocket,
my ancestors were skeletons.

I'm handy for scratching the paint of your enemy's car in one long line.
Although I prefer deadweight swinging from a ring.

I open, deadbolt, wind, liberate, imprison, secure, restrict and free.

Like a lover, you'll attend to my whereabouts more with the thought of losing me.

I'm almost a genetic extension of a family: unique to each home, and unique to each member,
as they link me with doo-dads with flair and rabbit's feet.

I'm a key.


flutterby said...

Loved the comparison to a lover. How precious both your keys and your lover become to you when you suddenly lose them. Wonderful Eva.

Luke Leger said...

I love the emotions and characteristics you attribute to keys; so astute and accurate.

By the way, we still use an ancestral skeleton key to deadbolt our front door. The kids love to take it out and look at it; but then again, so do I! said...

i knew it - even without the picture. ;) nicely done, eva.