Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November is WHAT??!

November is here again! And that means NOVELS! November is National Novel Writing Month for those of you who aren't already aware. Thousands of participants create an online account on where you can track your daily writing progress and feel a sense of community and support from the other participants. This is not a contest with one grand prize. Nanowrimo is a fun celebration of the writer and his/her world and process. The challenge gives you a chance to find out how disciplined you really are, and just how creative you can be. The Nanowrimo goal to set is to write 50,000 words by November 30th. I didn't succeed last year, so I'm going to give it another go this November! Hope to see you all there! (cuz that much writing is sure to be lonely).

Here is a video that gives you some tips on the month and what to expect!

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